BioBlog Labs

Reverse Complement Tool

DNA sequence converter

A diagram illustrating the process of transforming a query DNA sequence into its complement, reverse, or reverse complement.
The complementary sequence is formed by replacing each nucleotide with its Watson-Crick complement. The reverse sequence is simply the original sequence read backwards. The reverse-complement is obtained by first finding the complement of the sequence and then reversing it, representing the complementary strand's sequence read in the same direction (e.g. 5' to 3').

This tool can convert a DNA sequence (raw or FASTA) into its:

Note: By default, the tool formats the output sequence into lines of 60 characters each, which is a common practice for readability, especially in FASTA files. To obtain the output as a single line string, use the 'Copy without Line Breaks' button (the FASTA header will be preserved).